Friday, October 9, 2009

Cycle 4 Journals

Everyone is away to Washington, D.C. so we basically have a total of ten people in our class. I am apart of the Moo Moo Book Club, but I wasn't as involved as the others who attended this trip. I wish I would have gone to D.C. with everybody because I know we would all have a good time. Lindsey and Stephanie got sick though so I probably wouldn't have had as good as a time as I would've if they went along. All in all I am sad I missed out on this opportunity. Hope everyone is having fun!

I have played football since I was in 3rd grade, which means I have been playing for ten years. It's sad to think that this is my last year as a MCHS football team member. It has been a good experience playing with everyone who has been on the team with me. We all had a good time and I'm sad to be leaving after this year. I will not be playing in college so this is the final year for me. It's difficult to think that I will never be on another football field, running the ball again after our last game. But I wish everyone who are grades below me the best of luck and I would just tell them to enjoy it while they can.

I have been playing soccer since I was 3 years old. I moved to Kentucky from California when I was in middle school. The sport wasn't as popular here in KY as it was there. Soccer is my first love and my main focus. I am hoping to attend UK in the fall of next year and play soccer there. After that, I'm hoping to go pro. It has always been a dream of mine and I'm waiting to fulfill it.

1 comment:

  1. D.C. was a blast. I could write a book on what all we did, and I wish all three of you would have been part of it.

    Tyler, I would say you are right about time flying, and I hate that your final football season is nearly over. Your entry was sweet.

    Christian: you'll go pro. Just keep those grades up so you can stay playing on a college team. ;)
