Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This semester, I have learned...

This semester, I have learned a lot. The class was a little difficult at first, but it was only hard getting used to the amount of work. The literature circle was something I had never participated in before. I really like the idea of this project, but I think it's unorganized. One thing I don't like about this, is that some groups only get a few weeks to read the book, while others get longer because their meeting isn't until the following week. This usually only happens when the whole class is assigned a book on the same day. I have learned a lot as far as how to write papers, and I know it will be helpful for when I get to college.

This semester, I have learned a lot about how to analyze books and connect them with the world. I have learned how to interpret text and how to read efficently. I am the illustrator of my group and it was my favorite part of lit circle. I didn't like how papers were due one after the other. It was constant and sometimes it got confusing. Overall, I have enjoyed the class because it was a challenge. I really liked the book Deadline, and didn't like Inferno.

I learned how to read. I learned how to write. I finally learned what a verb and a noun was. I fluently learned how to speak English. This class has helped to expand my vocabulary. I love to read now. Now, I do not read at a third grade level.

In this class I have learned thamt discussion groups do help with discussing literature and getting everyones individual opinions out there. We have read many different books throughout this class, but I do have a favorite. My favorite book was "Looking For Alaska", because the author was very descriptive and creative. The vocabulary in this class has really helped with expanding my vocabulary in everyday situations. By repetition of the tests, I am able to remeber the words much easier. Knowing a wide range of vocabulary will also prepare you for writing college papers.



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