Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Book Jacket -- Cycle Four

Imagine having it all. You are the most popular girl in school and the prettiest. Everyone loves you and it seems like everything is working out just perfectly in your life. Yet, the irony of people dying who are closest to you and your past. Her friends and family are disappearing like the leaves, shedding in a deciduous forest. Whoever this serial killer is, they aren't abstemious when it comes to killing people. There is no such thing as antebellum, the war has already started.

Cycle Four Vocabulary Words:

1 comment:

  1. Praise: Your book jacket is written amazingly! Great job at assimilating the WW words into the context without spoiling the ending.

    Complaint: Please upload pictures and include the title.

    Know what would be cool? Pictures of your group reading the book...:)
