Sunday, September 20, 2009

Editorial: Cycle 2

Dear Community,

We are the Green Group participating in our English Class Literature Circle. We are five students writing to our community because we are concerned with the new rules that are in effect about our dress code.

Our complaint is not that the dress code is wrong, it is that certain rules aren't fair nor equal to the different sexes. For instance, girls are allowed to wear skirts that show their whole legs, yet boys are not allowed to have the smallest hole in their jeans. Another thing about this new dress code is that girls are not allowed to have sleeves anymore. This is not fair because in the past years we have always been allowed to wear tank tops as long as they were appropriate.

The new dress code has caused a lot of complaints. It has been a huge ordeal for parents trying to get their teenagers dressed for school. We know that a lot of our friends' parents had to go out and buy new clothes just to fit the new dress code. The solution to all of this is to go back to how it's been for the past four years instead of trying to change things up, just to prove that we changed things as a school.

Thank you for your time and we hope you all can agree with us, also.

The Green Team

1 comment:

  1. Great job on meeting all four components of the editorial!

    Comments for improvement:

    Make your 4 (proposed solution) it's own paragraph.

    Audience: If your editorial is going in the paper, it would simply be written to the editor. The community will be reading it regardless. Question though: Why would a school topic be of importance to the general readership of the paper? Wouldn't it be more appropriate for the school newspaper?

    Anyway, fantastic job. ;)
